There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
For centuries, the greatest thinkers have suggested the same thing: Happiness is found in helping others. Here at Kian Soon Mechanical Components, we believe in doing our part to help the needy around the world. We do so through both financial contributions and annual collaborations with charity organisations. One such instance is our recent partnership with the Kami Foundation.

The Kami Foundation is a charity organisation founded to raise public awareness of the lesser privileged youth, in Batam Indonesia, majority of the youth they provide aid to consist of homeless orphans. Kami raises funds to support their living expenses and also organises activities to engage these youths in developing their interpersonal skills - in part of the family members they no longer have.
In Mid December last year, a group of 7 Kian Soon employees travelled down to Batam to help organise and participate in Kami Foundation’s “BIB Funtastic Day”, an annual event that has been running since 2015. For 2017, Kian Soon Mechanical Components partnered with the foundation to bring together a total of 130 children, from various orphanages and education centers for the less privileged, for a day of fun and games.

Children from as young as 4 years old to young teenagers got to enjoy a carnival like setting with over 10 game stations, song & dance performances, and also a group birthday celebration, where beautiful cupcakes were given out. The participating children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and from the endless smiles of our Kian Soon staff, so did they!

“I had such a great time with the kids that I couldn’t stop feeling happy for days after the event! Just the thought of the smiles on their faces brings one to mine! It was really a heart-warming experience to get to know the stories behind some of them and I am overjoyed to have been able to let them forgo their loss, and bring them joy, for even just one day.” said Jie Ying, Kian Soon Human Resources. “I would definitely be going back to join the next event to see them again!”
Kian Soon has always been a huge supporter of the KAMI Foundation for which Tina, one of our own Admin Staff situated in our Batam Office, is an active member of.

“One of the children I visit is Sabar (5 years old). He is a cheerful, kind and patient boy. Since early February 2018, I have been actively engaging him and would love to bring him to the next event!” said Tina, PT. Kian Soon Hardware Batam.
Not only does Tina visit the orphans regularly, she also helps to organise various activities and celebrate birthdays for the kids, constantly reminding them that there is always going to be someone to love and care for them.
We aid in sponsorships and donations for the Kami Foundation, for which we believe has a realistic outlook that we can work together with, to provide for these orphans.
Kian Soon is looking forward to sponsor more of such events and expose our employees to the needy around the world. We believe not only in providing aid, but also reminding ourselves to always be thankful for our more fortunate circumstances. Now, as a part of the International Bufab Group, we are planning to garner more funding to both sponsor and work with more of such foundations and charitable organisations.

More Images of the event can be found on our Google + Page!
If you would like to find out more about the Kami Foundation and what they do, please visit their website https://yayasankami.org/ to support them! Even the smallest contribution goes a long way to help the needy with their everyday lives.
Kian Soon Mechanical Components Pte Ltd was initially founded in 1977 as Kian Soon Hardware & Trading Pte Ltd. Our objective is to provide customers solutions for their mechanical applications. Over the years, we have evolved to serve a wide range of industries through the provision of advanced application mechanical components. In December 2017, we became a proud member of the Bufab Group, marking yet another significant milestone in our journey towards a world-class organization. For more information, you can visit our website www.kiansoon.com.sg or find on us on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/kian-soon/ .